Do you know the implications of pregnancy on oral health?

While pregnancy itself is not directly related to our oral health, many of its associated bodily changes are.
Nausea and gastric reflux, for example, are a risk factor that can aggravate problems such as tooth decay and even cause erosion of tooth enamel.
On many occasions, mothers comment that they lost teeth due to calcium loss during pregnancy, and they attribute it to the development of the baby. In fact, poor oral hygiene and the situations mentioned above are the main cause of dental loss.
In addition, the increased inflammatory response typical of pregnancy can facilitate the appearance of bleeding gums, gingivitis and periodontitis to the extent that it makes proper oral hygiene difficult.
Bearing in mind that during pregnancy it is better to avoid most dental interventions (except for cleanings that should be done every 3 months), it is interesting to carry out a prior review with our dentist to ensure that all oral tissues and teeth are healthy.
In this way we will avoid the appearance of unnecessary problems and we will ensure that our mouth remains healthy throughout the entire pregnancy.
On the other hand, from a dental point of view, poor oral health is related to premature births and low birth weight babies.
And you, did you have any oral problems during your pregnancy?
Tell us in the comments. We read you!

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