Do you know what bacterial plaque is?

The layer of bacteria that forms on our teeth is known as bacterial plaque.
The lack of care combined with poor oral hygiene habits favors its proliferation and as it progresses its elimination becomes more difficult, ultimately requiring the assistance of our dentist.
It is very important to keep in mind that this bacterial layer is not only created on the visible part of the tooth, but it also advances towards the one that is under our gums, and can cause periodontitis and loss of the bone mass that supports our teeth.
In addition, plaque is responsible for many other conditions such as cavities, gingivitis or bad breath, among others.
But how to avoid all this?
Although it is practically impossible to keep our mouth 100% free of bacteria, proper hygiene will control them and stop their progress to avoid these problems. In addition, regular consultations with our dentist will provide us with extra help when it comes to removing those accumulations of plaque that are especially difficult to reach,
Do you want us to help you take care of your mouth? Make your appointment, we will be happy to welcome you.

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