I have had dental pain but it has disappeared. What should I do?

This situation is very common: When dental pain or sensitivity appears intermittently, sometimes we improve hygiene and/or try not to eat with that tooth or molar, a few days and it disappears.
The situation is worse when patients self-medicate with painkillers and antibiotics and the pain passes.
Without pain, we may be calmer but let's be clear: The problem is still there and it hasn't gone anywhere.
In the vast majority of cases, a dental situation is solved with dental diagnosis and treatment.
When you feel dental pain, it is mandatory to visit the dentist, even if it has already passed, since it is very possible that the next time it appears it will be much more pronounced and you will not be able to get rid of it so easily.
Remember the basic principle of dental health: Prevention.
Do you have any kind of dental discomfort? Do not let it pass and request your appointment now, we will help you get rid of it.

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Do you know what bacterial plaque is?

The layer of bacteria that forms on our teeth is known as bacterial plaque. ⠀ Lack of care combined with bad habits

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